Welcome to our exclusive interview with Siddhant Shinde, a rising star in the world of basketball. With an impressive track record and a bright future ahead, Siddhant has captured the hearts of fans in Pune. We sit down with him to learn more about his journey, challenges, and aspirations in this engaging and candid conversation.

Q1: Can you tell us how you fell in love with basketball?
Siddhant: Back in 2003, when I was in school. One day, the basketball team of our school was being felicitated for winning a tournament. And I was not a part of the team. That was the moment where I felt that I want to play this sport too, and be part of this team and get recognised. So I decided to give it a shot at the basketball try-outs. This is how my journey in Basketball start.
Q2: You've had a remarkable playing career so far. What do you consider as some of your most significant match?
Siddhant: Thank you. There have been many memorable moments, but playing my first competitive level match representing my school was a surreal feeling. I don’t remember what exactly I did, or what the game was like but I do remember the feeling. That is when the winning line started. Another experience was when I represented India for the first time. The national anthem playing in the background, Indian flag on your chest. It still gives me goosebumps.
Q3: Developing your skills is crucial for any athlete. Can you share your approach to training and how you continuously work to improve?
Siddhant: As I have to attain a greater fitness level. I need to work at least two sessions a day. It includes basketball training, strength & conditioning, gym etc. As I am working in the GST department of government. I get leverage from work for my practice. I leave from work at 3. From 3:30 to 5:00 I work on my strength, agility & my conditioning. I take rest for an hour. And then at 6:00 I start with my basketball training. I enjoy playing basketball & I don’t do it as work or job. So being a fitness enthusiast I love Training for it.
Q4: As a leader of your team, how do you motivate your teammates and build strong chemistry?
Siddhant: As I had to start basketball from the scratch, I had to learn every thing from being a substitute, to being a player, to being a role player, and to becoming a leader. It was a process of learning and when my mentors, my coaches identified my way of playing in the team. I was told that I can only be a leader. I have an aggressive approach of leading the team, I used to be harsh on my teammates I was even harsh and myself at times. To have a better bond with my teammates, I had to learn to be compassionate to be empathetic and that is how I could connect with my team to motivate them.Team chemistry is essential for success. I believe in leading by example and being a positive influence both on and off the court. We spend time together off the court, which helps build trust and camaraderie. When we face challenges, I try to be a source of encouragement and support.
Q5: Basketball is not just a physical game but a mental one as well. How do you stay mentally tough during the tough time?
Siddhant: Once you start your journey, may it be basketball or any other sport, you carry a big bag of happiness, joy, burden, injuries, wins & losses with you. So there are going to setbacks. You sign up for it. There are going to be times when you are going to be in a very low phase, where you are not performing very well, you’re getting injured often, or you are lacking in the endurance and sustainability. But that teaches you a lot in life. As I say, there is no substitute for hard work. through all these emotions, a player learns to become strong, emotionally, mentally, physically and come out of it to fight again on the court. You have to stick to your game plan and keep working hard. It is only you who can make you successful.
Q6: How has basketball influenced your values and your personal growth? And what are the life lessons you’ve learned from basketball.
Siddhant: Basketball is a team game. So the normal human values which you won’t learn in the school, you learn on the court. Basketball teaches you to be compassionate, to be understanding towards your teammate. It teaches you kindness, empathy, cooperation, sportsmanship, and fighting for your team. Basketball teaches you to never give up at the same time, it teaches you to be yourself and enjoy the process. These lessons always stay with me whenever I’m dealing with people may it be on court, off court, professionally or personally.
Q7: What is the next big tournament you are preparing for?
Siddhant: currently I am looking forward towards participating in a professional basketball league that is coming up in India under the name as Elite Pro Basketball League (EPBL). The season will take place in September. That’s is the Tournament i am planning to be a part of.
Q8: We got to know that while you yourself play, you even train younger players out of busy schedule.
Siddhant: I would like to contribute to the sport that has given me every thing in my life, my job, my lifestyle my happiness, basketball has given me every thing. so I would like to pass on whatever I have learnt from the sport to the younger generation And be a guide for them to learn the values and the skills of the sport. I would like to give back what I’ve got from the sport. Coaching gives me a feeling of stability and satisfaction in my life as I am helping someone grow. Helping aspiring athletes achieve their goals.
Q9: As your popularity grows, many young players look up to you. What advice would you give to aspiring basketball stars?
Siddhant: My advice would be to stay committed to your dreams, work hard, and never stop believing in yourself. The journey might have ups and downs, but perseverance and a positive mindset can take you a long way.
We extend our gratitude to Siddhant Shinde for sharing his insights and experiences with us today. With his dedication, talent, and admirable leadership, we have no doubt that he will continue to make waves in the world of basketball. We wish him all the best for his future endeavors on and off the court.